- lord Rama has said someone who is my devotee but insulting lord Shiva (saying dummy god )to lord shiva ...
- lord Rama never like to look for him...
- so how is such person called him/her self a devotee of lord Krishna/Rama ...?
- lord Shiva is the top most vaishnava ...
- as it- "vaishnavanam yatha shambhuh "
- without Shiva worship how can be a Vaishnava?
शिव द्रोही मम दास कहावा ! सो नर मोहि सपनेहुँ नहिं भावा !!
जय श्री राधेश्याम -
जय श्री सीताराम -
जय-जय श्री गौरीशंकर भगवान -
जय-जय श्री लक्ष्मीनारायण जी !!
परस्पर दोऊ चकोर दोऊ चंदा !!
गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी महाराज भगवान शंकर एवं भगवान राम के आपस में सम्बन्ध पर
विश्व कल्याणकारी परम आदरणीय श्री भगवदभक्ति प्रदायक सुर-नर-मुनि- सेवित वेद-शास्त्र-पूरण-ग्रन्थ सम्मत श्री मद रामचरितमानस में लिख रहे हैं !
सेवक स्वामी सखा सिय पी के ! हित निरुपधि सब विधि तुलसी के !!
अर्थात भगवान शंकर - भगवान श्री राम के सेवक (दास) -स्वामी (इष्ट) -सखा (मित्र) हैं ! जोकि सहज ही मेरे (श्री तुलसी दास जी के ) एवं सभी भक्तों के सभी प्रकार के हित साधक -कल्याण करने वाले हैं !
इसी प्रकार माता सती को भगवान विश्वनाथ प्रभु श्री राम जी के परिचय में कहते हैं !
सोई मम इष्ट देव रघुवीरा ! सेवत जाहि सदा मुनि धीरा !!
अर्थात - श्री रघुवीर (राम जी) मेरे (भगवान शंकर के ) इष्टदेव हैं जिन्हें सभी ऋषि-मुनि -संत-भक्त भी अपने इष्टदेव मानते हैं (श्री राम नाम-श्री राम चरित-श्री राम धाम का सेवन करते हैं )
भगवान श्री राम के दशरथ सुत के रूप में जन्मने पर सभी कहते हैं की "कोऊ नहीं इन्ह सम शिव आराधे "
अर्थात श्री दशरथ जी को श्री राम जी पुत्र रूप में भगवान शंकर के आशीर्वाद-कृपा से ही मिले हैं !
इसी प्रकार माता सीता जी भी श्री राम जी को पति रूप में प्राप्त करने हेतु जग-जननी माता अम्बिका की पूजा करा मनोरथ मांगती हैं ! और माता भवानी के आशीर्वाद श्री राम प्राप्ति का मिलने पर प्रफुल्लित हो जाती हैं !
यथा-"सुन सिय सत्य असीस हमारी ! पूजहिं मनकामना तुम्हारी !!"
इसी प्रकार भगवान श्री हरी भक्त नारद जी को भगवान शंकर का सुझाव न मानने पर ( कि नारद जी आपनी जो कम विजय गाथा मुझे सुना रहे हो कभी श्री हरी के सम्मुख चर्चा होने पर भी न गाना ! को न मानकर अपने को श्री हरी का अनन्य भक्त मान अपनी विजय गाथा श्री हरी को सुनना तथा साथ-साथ यह भी बताना देखलो शंकर जी मुझे आपको न बताने की कह रहे थे ! पर मैने आपको बोल दिया क्योंकि आप ही मेरे अपने हो ) नारद मोह प्रसंग में , नारद जी को पाप मुक्ति हेतु शंकर जी की आराधना को बोलते हैं !
"जाहु जपहु शंकर शत नामा " तथा बोलते हैं -
शिव द्रोही मम दास कहावा ! सो नर मोहि सपनेहुँ नहिं भावा !!
replying on facebook-
ReplyDeleteAbhishek Gautam -
I am not able to get your view behind this.....Is someone is devotee of Lord hari then he automatically become devotee of Lord Shiva,becoz we are gopjanavallabh dasdasanudas,so Lord shiva is supreme vaishnava...Vaishnavanaam yatha shambhu but we also understand the actual postion of LOrd shiva...He is not supreme Lord but can be said as Demigod(Devata).He is not full Vishnutattva nor jivatatva...Acc. to Brahma Samhita... "ksiram yatha dadhi vikara-visesa-yogat
sanjayate na hi tatah prthag asti hetoh
yah sambhutam api tatha samupaiti karyad
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami"
Just as milk is transformed into curd by the action of acids, but yet the effect curd is neither same as, nor different from, its cause, viz., milk, so I adore the primeval Lord Govinda of whom the state of Sambhu is a transformation for the performance of the work of destruction.
30 minutes ago · Like
Sweetie Radhika Gautam -
bhagawan is bhagawan we can not estimate him as a deva .. and our great vedas are guiding us - "eko ham dwitiyo nasti " so all bhagawan lord rama-shiva-narayan-krishna are bhagawan !! jay shri radhey !!
26 minutes ago · Like
Sweetie Radhika Gautam -
aur rahi brahma sanhita ya kisi any puran shastra se shivaji ko dummy kahane ki to isi prakar shaiv puran shastronn men bhagawan shankar ki mahima evam any ki laghuta hai .. par ye uchit nahin dono hi sthalon par samajhane men chuk hai ! atah dono ko shri ram charit manas men goswamiji ne shaiv-vaishnava ladai-bair mitane hetu uchit ved-shastra-granth-puran ka sahi evam uchit marm bhagawan shri hari evam shiv ki ekata-aananyata kah gayi !! jay shri hari-har !!
ReplyDeleteSaurabh Saraswat
Ravana was the True and Top shiv devotee ever.
about an hour ago · Like
Sweetie Radhika Gautam
Saurabh Saraswat ji ravana was not a devotee of lord shiva because he his keeping enemy to lord rama ... lord hanuman ji is also avatar of lord shiva but he (ravana) not obey lord hanuman's advise for going in the feet of rama .. so how can he bhakta of lord shiva ??
om namah shivay !!
28 minutes ago · Like
Saurabh Saraswat
Ravana ne tap karke shiv ji ki prapti ki thi..
Ravana was most intelligent person ever. He knew that he can't be immortal and that he had to die. So he preffered to die by lord's hand himself. Ramayana was written to make everyone realize that no one can be immortal and everyone has to die. Everyone knows bad side of Ravana but few knows good part of him. He wasn't as bad as he is presented in today's world. He was the true devotee of lord Shiva. Om namah shivay. . .
7 minutes ago · Like
Sweetie Radhika Gautam
Saurabh Saraswat your comment ravan is a bhakt is very wrong he is a demon ... so lord shiva did not keep him .. many times he was ignore lord shiva .. he was think that may be lord shiva be happy on him from cutting his head and worship lord shiva by this .. then lord shiva suggested him i ever happy on the voice of chanting rama and people can get me easly by a jug water-or a flower or a vilv patra why are you teasing your self but demon never listen and try this tantrik worship on very kind supreme vaishnav lord shiva !! jay shri ram !!
a few seconds ago · Like
Sweetie Radhika Gautam
mahamantra soi japat maheshu ! kasi mukuti jeev upadeshu !!
ReplyDeleteSaurabh Saraswat -
Sweety ji u definitely have read a lot more then me and u know a lot more then me. But i think we should look for the deeper aspect of the epics written and role of the people in them. If Ravana would have given up in feet of Lord Ram then he would have been Alive even now, but as a fact of universe he had to die. He was not demon as he never treated sita ji wrong or never touched her. Ravana used to worship Lord Shiva everyday, and when he missed it someday lord himself came to him. Its not that i am defending Ravana but its just my opinion about good and evil both in one person. Jai shri Ram!
8 hours ago · Like
Sweetie Radhika Gautam -
Saurabh Saraswat ji here i like to count the value of a person by his work for humanity .... you must read balmiki ramayan got knowledge about ravan's bad karma .. yes i agree he was a wise and intelligent person but at last he lose control on his wisdom in the greeds ... in ramacharit manas .. when his sister suparnakha complained him for her insult and killing her cousin khar-dushan by two young prince then ravan said " khar dushan mohi sam balabanta ! hanahin ko sakahin binu bhagawanta !!" it means my cousin khar-dushan are brave as me (ravan) -no-one can kill him except God ... but when he listen the sound there is a beautiful woman with prince then decided "hohin na bhajan mam taamas deha ! man kram vachan mantra dridh eha !! " it means there is impossible to chant shri Hari by this lazy and non devotional body so like to worship shri Hari in battle and if there is Hari then confirm to get moksha by dying in his lap .. otherwise they are simple prince i defeat and kill them and catch his beautiful wife ... now one point is for notice .. ravan was intelligent .. his sister suparnakha know this so after listen ravan is thinking that prince are impossible to defeated in war then suparnakha said the story of beautiful lady , here ravan be exited and decided to look her .. and after he was not go for a war but steel mother Seeta ... yes one other point is Ravan-Kumbhakarna was the parshad of shriman Narayan in previous born so they are playing a lila (drama) with lord Rama .. so they are Devotee ,, other wise in ramayan play Ravan is seeming a gangster-rapist and greed for crown as today's leader-politics( much details in valmiki ramayan ) .. even he was very old but want new wife and kingdom .. why not he make king to Meghnad ?(His beloved Son ) .. lord Krishna Suggested for such people in shri mad Bhagavad Geeta ... devotion less for a devotee kam esh-krodh esh being is necessarily... jay siyaram !! in great vedas for a such people are too explained "someone is acting as his desire not obeying ved-shsdtra and philosophy is a demon " .. jay shri radhey shyam !! in Ramayan you will get word "nishchar""rakshas" for Ravan so its true ..
jay siyaram !!
ReplyDeleteAbhishek Khandelwal -
i exactly do agree wd u. . .
U cleard my doubt. . .
Gv me a solid reason to love lord shiva. . . n his incarnations.
But excuse me. . Dtz DemiGod not Dummy God.
Sweetie Radhika Gautam
ok,,first you tell me the exact meaning for demigod ....................?
i have written without lord shiva's mercy we can not get the devotion of lord rama//krishna ... in ram charit it is cleared "KAHU NA IN SAM SHIV AARADHE" it means if we are in devotion of lord rama then sure we have much mercy-blessing of lord Shiva .. devotion of lord Rama is the result of lord Shiva 's mercy .. and other lord Shiva is supreme vaishnav "vaishanavanam yatha shambhu" then how can a person can a vaishnav by ignore lord Shiva ... third reason in olden times there were a big fighting in shaiv and vaishnav .. so why needed now ,, now we all hindu needed a unity not a group division .. and believe there is only a small philosophical difference in shaiv and vaishanav both are the valuable branch of great Sanatan dharma Tree ...
jay siyaram ji !!
श्रीजी के मनोहारी -मृदुल-पुनीत चरण-कमलों में आपके शुभ-मंगल हेतु मेरी प्रार्थनाएं
ReplyDelete-जय श्री राधेश्याम !!
शुभरात्रि !!